
How to profit from the sale of sweets and savory?

The dream of the business itself is part of the reality of every microentrepreneur! So we've separated some tips to make this process even easier!

Today we are going to talk about sales of goods.

Each detail must be planned in advance, with the objective of analyzing and elaborating strategic plans, in order to know better its target public and to know how to reach them. In addition, there are other factors that must be taken into account, such as the location of your business, customer service and knowledge of competitors.


This factor is the first factor that will define the success or failure of your business. Retail stores depend on people traffic. We suggest you look for a location that has other similar companies, so your company will take advantage of the region that your audience is already attending. When setting up the micro-enterprise, observe the space in which it will meet, in order to facilitate the arrival of its suppliers. In the case of snack bars and snack houses, look for a place with great movement like schools, shopping centers, banks, etc.


Your competitor should be your greatest inspiration, both on the strengths and negatives. Understanding each other's strengths may cause you to develop projects in the same style and be aware of failures, so your business will not make the same mistakes. Check what products and facilities are offered by them and look for alternatives to attract new customers. The market brings daily several innovations in revenue, formats and technological innovations. It is up to you to keep up to date through trade shows, workshops, courses and also through the internet.


In addition to the quality product, for a successful business you should be attentive to good service, as it will win your customer, creating a pleasant environment and giving the consumer a positive experience, resulting in great chances of customer loyalty.


Check that the space is enough for the equipment to be placed. For example: When you buy MCI basic line equipment, ie the Masseira TD-13, the Mini Festa salad dresser and the RZero Caster, you will need a space to allocate these equipments. In addition, you will also need kitchen utensils such as: freezer, refrigerator, pots, bowls and storage space for the raw material and finished products.

Sales can be divided into two parts:

Direct sale to the final buyer, who will consume the product or service, without intermediaries, ie you will produce and sell your product.
Indirect selling, you offer products to resellers who have marketed the goods serving as intermediaries to reach the end consumer. Generally products purchased wholesale are purchased in large quantities and with a lower price, leaving more in account for the realization of resales ..
MCI believes in the good work and entrepreneurial potential of our clients and is always exploring the means to assist in this project. This was one more entrepreneurial tip. We emphasize that it is always good to consult with professionals in the field before starting your business. Send your questions and success stories!